One month into my last semester of college and I am ~struggling~; My social battery has been on the “save power mode” and the thought of graduation peering around the corner makes me want to throw up… Clearly I needed a bit of a refresh, so this week I did something new. Instead of having a self-ish day, I devoted an entire week to focusing solely on myself. I reached out to my friends and let them know I would be off the grid for the week so they weren’t wondering why I was so distant. I even deleted all my social media from my phone and gosh how that makes a difference. I instantly felt lighter and less anxious. I always wonder why I continue to keep the apps on my phone when all they do is create stress.
I started the week by waking up at 6 am Monday morning and walking to Dunkin and back. Personal preference of course but I absolutely love waking up super early, it is still quiet because most people are still asleep and there aren’t many cars on the road just yet. And the sunrise of course, can't beat it. I did some yoga and journaled when I got back. I worked the rest of the day and got 100x more stuff done since I wasn’t on my phone at all. A coworker and I got to get ice cream from an ice cream truck that was on campus and of course I had to get the OG SpongeBob popsicle, solely for the nostalgia of childhood. I had a work meeting later that night so instead of going home in between I actually forced myself to do a workout class. I haven’t lifted in FOREVER, so that was definitely an experience.
Does SpongeBob ever actually look like SpongeBob?
Tuesday was our last day of boat driving training so I got to be out in the sun all day which felt amazing. I feel so lucky that I get to have this as a job for my last semester of college. This is something I’ve been dreaming of doing since the first day I ever stepped foot on my campus.
Wednesday I took myself to the airplane observatory at the airport during sunset and I read and watched as planes took off and landed. This is one of my favorite things to do around here when I need some time to myself, very therapeutic. I ended the night with an epsom salt bath in an attempt to help how sore I was. I used this super cute bath bomb, but jokes on me when I turned the lights on to rinse off I was HOT PINK. My entire body was stained pink and my tub currently still looks like I committed murder in it. Any recommendations on how to fix that would be greatly appreciated:)
Thursday I woke up early and journaled while I watched the sunrise. I got to Target right when they opened to get some grocery shopping done. I grabbed a Starbucks to have while I shopped around. Highly recommend shopping when everyone else is still asleep!! Thursday was my first day getting to drive students on the boat. It was honestly such a blast, everyone had so much fun! I can confidently say being on a boat in the sun will forever be my happy place. I ended the day by working a basketball game which is always a blast because of the people I get to work with. It has been super cool getting some event planning and event executing experience.
Finally, Friday rolled around and I had class which has actually been a success this week. I've been much more in the zone (thanks to no social media)!! I had a girl's night with my roommate and we went ice skating. By Friday my social battery had been recharged and I was feeling much more put together and productive.
My self-ish week was an absolute success. My head feels much more clear and I am ready to conquer the rest of the semester (for now at least).
Side Note: Sometimes you just need to put your life on Do Not Disturb to take time solely for yourself.