Self Care Tip #7: Get Your Booty Moving
Fun fact: All 4 years of college I worked at our school’s gym. I can confidently say I spent more hours there actually working than working out. Sounds kinda dumb, you would think it would make it easier to work out since I worked there but it was actually quite the opposite for some reason. Don’t get me wrong, amazing facility, but I felt like I already basically lived there so by the time I was off my shift I just wanted to head home. It didn’t help that I was a bit of a tweak and felt like I didn’t know what I was doing enough to lift around all the frat boys… silly me. There were times throughout the 4 years that I would get into a workout routine and go right when we open, or right before my shift, but nothing ever seemed to stick. It wasn’t until I moved back home that I finally started to get into it.
There are so many factors that can effect someones ability and drive to work out and continue to workout. Everyone has their own ideal situation. Some like to work out in a gym, others like to workout at home. Some like to go at the crack ass of dawn when it isn’t that busy, others like to be swallowed in the crowds at the busiest times of the day. Some like to spend 2 hours maxing out on PRs, others enjoy I quick 30 minute HITT workout. There are so many ways of going about working on your fitness and there is no RIGHT way. I think most of us (me included) put so much pressure on our goals and how to specifically reach them, that they quickly turn unrealistic and impossible in our minds. I know I personally have set goal such as “ I need to work out everyday for at least an hour and I need to do certain workouts on certain days and if I don’t then I failed”... like okay Shelby chill, you aren’t the Hulk.
Setting goals is great but give yourself some slack. If you are new to working out maybe agree to yourself that even stepping foot in the gym is a good first step forward. Then maybe go walk on the treadmill for 5-10 minutes and count that as a great success. Then try a new machine … and so on. Just be proud of yourself for your efforts instead of pissed that you made it to the gym for only 45 minutes instead of an entire hour. Personally I set set my goal as making it to the gym a majority of the week and if I am not feeling the gym I allow myself a day off but still try to get some form of movement in whether that is an ab workout or a long walk to starbucks. I feel like what has really helped me has been my shift in mindset. I listen to my body’s needs and I dont push myself when my body isn’t in the mood for something. Being kind to your mind and body will help you reach your goals. We need to focus more on our small successes than what we consider a “failure”.
For a majority of the summer I have stuck to 5-6 mornings in the gym with the 7th day being a form of active relaxation, butttt this past week my mind and body were just SO not in the mood. I felt like a needed a true break so I allowed myself 2 completely full days off. At first I felt a little annoyed with myself. I felt like I was breaking some type of streak. Instead I reminded myself that I was doing the right thing by listening to my body instead. There have been plenty of mornings I wake up and huff and puff about getting out of bed, but continue to do so anyways, but this week was different; I could tell it was necessary if I wanted to get back into the gym and get back to productive and effective workouts. I allowed myself the break it needed but also didn’t let myself fall victim to not getting my ass back in the gym.
There are so many different ways to get active. You should choose something because you enjoy doing it, not because you feel like you have to. Like I said before there will definitely be those days where you just don’t want to get out of bed, but when you do, you are normally pretty glad you did.
Types of workouts:
Strength training
Tai Chi
Just remember to celebrate the small success, even if it is a simple tap dance in and right back out of the front door of your gym :)