Self Care Tip #2: Meditation
This past semester I have been taking a yoga/meditation class. I am not going to lie, I kinda went into it thinking it would just be a blow off class and I wouldn’t have to do a lot, but to my surprise it has been one of the most beneficial classes I have taken throughout my entire college career. It has opened my mind to new ways of thinking and has helped me control my anxiety and stress on a daily basis. It is not something that you will be good at right away, it definitely takes practice, but it is the coolest thing when you begin to feel a difference.
The other day I was on my flight back to school. I can’t tell you the amount of times I have been on a plane, and since college a majority of the time I am flying alone. You would think after all this time, traveling would be a breeze for me but I STILL get so much pre flying anxiety. I actually wouldn’t even call it that, it’s more like pre airport anxiety. From having to check in on time the day before (so you don’t get stuck boarding last and having the toilet flushing lull you to sleep), to getting through security, to questioning if I am tall enough to hoist my carry-on bag into the cupboard above. But once I am in my correct seat, I am ready to go and absolutely love flying.The sky is my absolute favorite thing. I don’t know if this is just me so please tell me if you do it too, but when I am not flying Southwest and I have a specific seat ahead of time I catch myself checking my ticket 100 times as I am boarding the plane as if it's going to magically change between the 82nd and 83rd time I check it or something. It’s very strange, honestly! Anywho, I'll get back on track. As the plane took off into the sky and the buildings tinier and tinier, everything began to slowly fade into the clouds. Then everything went completely white for a few seconds until we appeared out of the clouds and were just cruising in the endless blue sky above. I just remember this calm feeling taking over my mind and body.
This experience made me think about how our minds work when we practice meditation. Hear me out, you could be in a terrible headspace feeling anxious and dreary, this is when you are taking off in the plane looking down on the cold, colorless city below. Then you start to focus on one thing, your breath. That is when you are submerged in the clouds and there is nothing else to focus on except the white blankness in front of you. We know it’s almost impossible to not be thinking about anything, as our brain is constantly on the move, but there is a point in meditation where you are able to get to your happy place where you feel most content. That’s when you make it through the clouds into the open sky. Of course thoughts might sneak in, but you just acknowledge them and let them go just like clouds passing by you every once in a while and continue to float away.
I just thought this was the coolest thing and feel like this will be a new way to meditate on my own; going through and picturing this scenario to refocus through the day. I hope you give it a go and see how it works for you.
Mediation and yoga teach you how to recenter yourself and live a more healthy and stress free life. There are countless benefits to practicing both yoga and meditation. Even if you think it is not your thing, just try it a few times and see how it affects you on a day to day basis.
Meditation benefits:
Reading negative emotions
Controlling stress and anxiety
Increased self awareness
Lengthens attention span
When to practice:
When you are feeling:
Whenever you feel like you need a moment to recenter yourself
I like to do a gratitude meditation in the morning to set me up for a successful day and a calming one before I go to bed
You can meditate whenever you feel like it, not just when you are struggling
I will link below some of the guided meditations on YouTube I have enjoyed using.
Guided Meditation for Anxiety & Stress